Winter season brings with it an extra chore for most of us-that is shoveling snow. It could be a good physical activity but you need to take few precautions to avoid lower back pain while shoveling.
Nowadays, user friendly shovels with ergonomic designs are available. These shovels with curved handles or handles with adjustable lengths minimize the painful bending of you back and you can shovel with only a slight bending at your knees and back. Choose shovels with small plastic blades that are light weight to move.
Doing any strenuous activity when your muscles are cold and strained can harm them. That is why warming-up is essential; same is true for shoveling snow. Do a few minutes warm–up before you take up the shoveling job. Start with a brisk walk or marching up and down the stairs for few minutes to increase your blood circulation. Following it do some stretches for your lower back and hamstrings (large group of muscles in the back of thigh). Cross your arms and hold yourself in a body hug for 1- 2 minutes to make your upper limb muscles flexible.
It’s better to remove small loads of snow frequently rather than removing large pile in a single stretched session. Use shoes or boots with proper treads to avoid slipping in the snow and hurting your back.